What the Buck

 In our last episode of Goose's Winter Antics, he was a bit of a hothead last Sunday but I was able to ride him through it. I rode again Tuesday and Wednesday after work under the lights, and he was great, though we were within the confines of the jump field, it was dark, and I was bareback because the ground wasn't good enough to do much more than walking and light trotting. Either way, I was hopeful his sillies were remedied without a lunge, and he behaved for Tammy Friday night so I wasn't super worried. 

Saturday dawned bright and chilly, and I was excited to get out for a real ride before I'd hopefully be able to make it out for a Sunday snow ride. More on that later. 

I threw tack on and hopped up, walking a few hills in the jump field before he offered a trot so I rolled with it. A few poles were set up, and when I trotted one and he offered a canter, I was starting to get mildly concerned. This horse doesn't offer anything but an attitude, usually. He continued being a little squirrely and forward but we were managing. That is, until two dogs ran up right behind him as Franny was getting chased by one of the BM's young dogs. Normally Goose doesn't care - truly, dogs have bumped into him before and he goes on his merry way like nothing happened. Such was not the case this time. 

The turd squealed, leapt four feet in the air, landed, dropped his shoulder, and lunged to the side. He is the world's comfiest horse when he bucks and I was able to stay with him, but there was totally a moment there when I had to make a conscious effort to stay in the saddle. When I had him stationary, I chose life, hopped off, and had Abby kindly bring me my lunge line while I pulled my saddle. 

He only does this a few times a year, but when he needs to buck, he REALLY needs to. Please enjoy Goose's application to the Spanish Riding School. 

This was his first leap when I let the line out. Everyone at the barn stopped and gasped, he continued launching from here. Always fun to see an old fuddy duddy do something interesting! 

Please note all four feet off the ground here

This one is probably my favorite, he truly cracks me up. 

He did this for a good fifteen minutes, and then just like that he dropped his head, trotted for another few, and came back to the walk on his own. I always know he's done because I can run at him and he just keeps plodding along ignoring me. Always worth it to double check though, sometimes sneaky bucks stay in there. 

*The videos are even better but blogger won't let me upload them and I can't be bothered to upload them to YouTube. Screenshots will have to do. 

Much more civilized

After our Saturday shenanigans, I figured he'd be fine for a Sunday snowy bareback ride, as was the plan. We were actually going to get snow! ...Until we didn't. We got sleet instead, hours and hours of sleet. So much so that it looks like snow in pictures, but it is in fact solid ice. The dogs and I had a bit of fun anyway and had the bliss of not leaving our house for two days. 

Ice, Ice, Franny

I adore this window and these two always crack me up with how they sit in it.

Penny wanted NO PART of this ice day, but these girls are a bit more rugged than our couch princess. 

More useless content but the pictures hopefully make it worth it. Can't wait for the spring and better riding weather! 


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