Odds, Ends, & Non-horsey Things

2018 has been a whirlwind of activity for me so far. How it is already nearly July, I just don’t know. Since I’ve been failing to keep up with the blog, I figured I could do a recap post of all the reasons why I haven’t had time to write regularly and why Goose has not been ridden nearly as much as I’d hoped (though he’s definitely not complaining!)

The face of a horse who does not mind his work hiatus

In April I went home to NJ for my uncle’s surprise 60th birthday party. If there’s one thing my family knows how to do, it’s how to party! It was great to spend a quick weekend home with family and friends to celebrate one of the best men I know.

Custom coozies!

Somehow I got no pictures with my Uncle at this party, so these awesome people will have to do

Early May was Saddle Club Weekend (which deserves its own post that I’ve started but haven’t finished. Shame on me) which was THE BEST TIME. Think pony camp but for adults with your best horse friends. Zuzu got to come too, made new animal friends, and had a blast. Goal: Get a truck and trailer so Goose can attend SCW next time!

Later in May I went to Nashville to visit one of my best friends. We grew up riding together and stayed friends through college and life and moving. She moved to Nashville a few years ago and I haven’t been able to get it together to visit until this year. She got married last year and because Goose’s vet bills and moving ate all my money, I was pretty devastated I couldn’t go. I got to meet her husband and her precious dog Mack, and of course I was thrilled to see my Lily again! We drove around stunning Tennessee horse country, went into town, and relaxed and caught up on each other’s lives. I’m already trying to figure out when I can go back!

The most perfect Lillian <3 

We took Mack to swim swim

Have you ever seen such soulful eyes?!

Let me tell you bout my best friend

Memorial Day weekend my parents came to CLT for a visit. It’s always fun having them come and this time was no different. We went to a few of our favorite spots to eat, went to a bunch of breweries, and drove out to Hendersonville to visit family. I was so excited for my parents to see them at their house - I’m lucky to live close enough to visit them fairly often, and they are two of my most favorite people. Zuzu got to come on this adventure, and we spend Saturday afternoon and evening catching up at the house, going out to dinner, and celebrating my Dad’s birthday with a cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes. If you’re ever in Charlotte, PLEASE do yourself a favor and get one of their mini bundts! They are amazing.

Sunday morning we woke up and walked around the Hendersonville Garden Festival before heading to Sierra Nevada brewery, which is always a good time. It’s gorgeous up there and the beer is excellent. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t great, but we got a table inside to enjoy our beverages. Back at the house, we spent a few more hours together before heading back to the city.

Monday was a brewery hop around NoDa and Plaza Midwood. I drove so the parents could drink, and we ended up going to five different breweries. Have I mentioned I love living in Charlotte?

Apparently I took no pics with my parents so here's a pic of Zu while we were all at OMB

...and Zu shopping for plants with us

... and a bear with dogs on it in downtown Hendersonville

With May done and dusted, I had to prepare for my Outer Banks vacation June 9-16. My uncle has a house in Corolla, one block off the beach and I’ve been going there since I was a kid. It’s one of my favorite places, so when my friends and I were talking about going again (most of them had been there with me once or twice over the years) I booked the house with my uncle. We missed a few people who ended up not being able to make it, but to say we had a great time would be an understatement. We drank, we beached, we rallied to do it all again the next day. None of us live close together anymore – we came from FL, NC, NJ, PA, and MD – and I’m so grateful that I got to spend a full week with some of my favorite people. The weather was mostly cooperative and we got in some perfect beach days, spent a ton of time in the pool, and managed not to drown in our margaritas. I took very few pictures because I’m the worst, but this trip will go down in the books as a great one.

More custom coozies

If you don't have BulziBucket, get one! So fun.

As a precursor to OBX, Jenni flew up to CLT from FL a few days before we road-tripped to OBX. We managed to squeeze in a Goose visit and he gave her a great pre-vacation workout because he’s the worlds slowest goon.

When we got back from OBX, I had only a few days to organize my life, arrange for someone to watch Zu, and fly back up to NJ for my friend’s Wedding Party BBQ. One of my best childhood/college friends is getting married in October, and I’m lucky enough to be one of her bridesmaids. In lieu of a Bridal Shower, she had a party for all the groomsmen and bridesmaids to hang out, meet each other, and celebrate Allie and John. Allie’s family has always been my second family, and I’m glad I went up to spend the weekend at her house with some pretty awesome people. Added bonus: I got to see some of my favorite horses! Aladdin and Rosa are living their best life, and I’m always so happy to get in pony snuggles with them when I visit their farm. Also, they have chickens which I futilely tried to pet.

Add caption

Lad and Rosa <3

My other most favorite Labs

Adorable custom cookies!

Also during my brief trip home, I got to see Marissa and my most favoritest bay gelding in the whole entire world. Tucker was especially adorable this day, and I swear he recognized me and was extra snuggly/rude which was fine because I love him so freaking much. It was also great to see Marissa, but let’s be real, we text every day and Tucker doesn’t have that ability, so he wins. I can’t be the only one with an unhealthy attachment to friends’ horses, right?

He was so excited to see me I couldn't get ANY good pics because we had to snuggle

Living his best life at this adorable farm!
Now, I’m back home with my Zu and that Goose. My amazing barn manager took Goober up to Tryon on Monday for his third Oncept vaccine, and informed me that it took her 45 minutes to get that asshat on the trailer, to my total and complete horror. I expect exceptional behavior from my animals, and am very strict about manners and good-citizen behaviors, so this news was completely mortifying to me. Goose has always been a bit of a mule about getting on the box, but over the six years I’ve had him I’ve worked with him enough that he’ll usually self-load for me. He’s not scared, he’s just stubborn and huge so is pretty sure he doesn’t really have to squish himself in there if we don’t actually force him. Also, he’s a total mama’s boy so was probably like, “Lady, my mother is NOT here to make me get on, so what are you gonna do about it?” Again, it’s taken a few years, but it hasn’t taken me more than a few minutes (if the first try didn’t work) to get him locked and loaded in a LONG time. To be fair, this particular trailer is a slant load and he’s a little squished up in the first slot if he’s the only one shipping, but 45 minutes to load is unacceptable. Someone’s going to go into trailer bootcamp, because it’s sure as shit NOT going to take 45 minutes to load him next time. We’re going to reinstall some manners before he goes for his last dose next Friday.

Because it was over 95 degrees last night and because he gets a little stiff after his shots, instead of riding I gave Goose a quick vinegar rinse and played around with some of his tricks. Because I’m a crazy horse person, I made him formally apologize for his bad behavior, and this was the result.

It has been hot as Hades for the past few weeks here, so due to the melting factor and my crazy schedule, riding has taken a backseat for the moment. I’ve still gone out when I can to groom/hose him and to dispense cookies, but since I’ve been back from OBX I’ve only ridden once. It was bareback in a rope halter and we only walked to the pond and back because it was nearly 100 degrees. Steering was optional but he pretty much followed Zu out to the pond, staying well clear of the ticking electric box that eats horses, and he enjoyed splashing around for a little bit. My childhood self was thrilled with this adventure, despite the bareback swamp-ass. I have similar plans for this week since it’s still so hot, and plan to reconvene with real rides this weekend when I can get to the barn early enough to beat the worst of the heat.

Not to be left out, Zuzu has been enjoying the office and her pond at the new barn. I freaking love this dog so much, I seriously don’t know what I’d do without her. It’s been breaking my heart to leave her so often over the last few months, and I’m thrilled that I *hopefully* won’t have to leave her again until Labor Day weekend. Here's a whole bunch of Zu spam because I have more pictures of her than I know what to do with.

Trigger's birthday!

Dogs need ice pops too

Casual frog legs

She always carries my umbrella for me


"If I become one with the dirt, my mom will never find me to give me a bath"

Wear a Shirt, Share a Night fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House of Charlotte! Zuzu does what she can to support her community

Nothing to see here


  1. always love reading your blog! <3 love u Zu and Goo!

  2. Sounds like you've been exceptionally busy! I'm digging all the custom coozies 😍 And definitely write more about Saddle Club Weekend, that sounds amazing.

    1. I think custom coozies are my new favorite things, awesome memento and easy to collect! I have a post started about SCW, I just need to finish it... less traveling this month so hoping to sneak in some writing time!

  3. Wow busy times! any wonder time has flowen for you !!! Look forward to more news on Goose!

  4. Such a busy bee! Hither, thither, yon. Sounds like you've had a helluva lot of fun though. Love all the custom koozies!


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