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On Loss, Healing, and New Beginnings

I wonder if there will ever be a day where I can think about Goose without that awful clenching feeling in my chest and tears escaping my eyes. Part of me hopes there won't be, that perhaps if I didn't feel such a great sense of loss, my memories would be less real and present.  This Sunday is my Goosiversary, year 12.  12 Years since I met the horse who changed my life for the better. One year since I saw his ultrasound and made the decision to retire him. Nine months since my best friend died in my arms. Shit, here are the tears again.  The end of 2023 was, in essence, the worst three months of my life. Goose died. Franny hurt her back, Zuzu needed TPLO surgery for a torn CCL that she managed just days after we lost Goober. Penny needed old lady surgery. I was traveling for a new job that I was growing to hate working for a boss who is possibly the craziest human I've ever met. And then she fired me on December 26.  It was just one of those times in life where everything

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